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Sometimes It's Okay To Stand Out From The Crowd

Sometimes it’s okay to stand out from the crowd; to stand on your own. Most importantly, it’s okay to think on your own.

This seems so simple and so obvious, yet it’s not common. I see grown men and women who would love to tell you they are strong willed, stubborn, and set in their ways, yet they can’t make decisions on their own without knowing the opinions and thoughts of certain others. This is called group think. Group think is when individuals tend to form the same opinions as the perceived group consensus, typically from the same group repeatedly. Put simply, it’s forming your perspective by looking through a lens that someone else puts in front of you.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not wrong to hear other people’s perspectives. In fact, I think you should. I just think you should be very careful to form your own opinions based on the information you have, and not simply form the opinion of those around you.

Stand out from the crowd. Think for yourself and be so strong in your convictions that you don’t need validation from others.

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