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  • Tara Smith


Today is International Day of Friendship. These are the two Corriente/Angus calves that we accidentally had this spring. One of our cuter mishaps on the ranch over the years. These two are best buds. In an entire cow herd, these two always seem to be hanging out together, which I find adorable.

I want to take a second to acknowledge the wonderful friendships in my life. Friendships in your thirties don’t look the same as friendships in your teens and early twenties. Life has a way of getting in the way at this time in your life, particularly if you have kids. It takes a conscious effort on everyone’s part to maintain a friendship. I am so grateful for the friends I have in my life.

So to all my friends, new and old, thank you. Thank you for putting up with me at my worst. Thank you for not judging me when I deserved to be judged. Thank you for taking time to spend with me. Thank you for all the laughs. Thank you for continuing to cultivate the relationship. Thank you for being you. You are amazing. I love you all.

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