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  • Tara Smith

Be A Good Human

Be a good human. I mean a truly good human.

Live with integrity.

Treat others with respect: not just the "cool kids", but everyone, regardless of your opinion of their social status. This applies to kids and adults. (This is a personal pet peeve.)

Stop criticizing others who you truly know nothing about.

Be humble. God didn't put your talents and abilities in your heart to see how important you could be, He put them there to see what kind of difference you could make in the world.

Take responsibility of your own happiness.

Accept you will make mistakes, admit them, apologize to those you need to, and move forward and up.

Learn to love yourself. You can't truly love yourself if you aren't a good human. And you can't do well by others if you don't love yourself.

I'm cheering for you, just as loud as I am cheering for myself in this journey. We can do it.

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